Thursday, February 11, 2010

Response to Barkha Dutt's Comment

Ok, this in response to Barkha Dutt’s comment:
Always stunned by the freak mobs on the internet who seem to spend all their energy pushing hate. what drives them, I wonder?

Read comments from people who are not ‘freak mobs’. They spoke, wrote on how we free, freak uneducated, venom spewing mobs were out to spead hatred and hound the leading light of journalism aka Barkha Dutt.

First, I don’t think I need to present evidence of my education or employment to these people because it does not in any way strengthen or weaken the case and cause I have brought up.

But have these educated people even tried to go through the material presented, ask any questions and tried to resort to any independent research on the issue before calling us hate mongerers, irresponsible, attention seeking wicked freaks? Frankly speaking, some did. But most didn’t. They just went by what Barkha Dutt had to say, because of a belief that whatever Barkha Dutt will say has be true. This, my dear friends is the simplest and the biggest cause for rot in our media and journalists. People take anything at face value. They simply cannot believe that Barkha Dutt too can lie.

False stories on selling out of a cricket team, false stories on Kajol's tweet : where did this all appear : on NDTV, but NDTV or Barkha Dutt must not be criticized.

These are the kind of educated people TRPs thrive on. For a while just think about it..was I spreading hatred??? I was asking you to think about the forgotten victims of terrorism – the Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to leave Kashmir at gun-point. But when Barkha Dutt says mosques pleaded, exodus of pandits is a mystery, you stand up tall to shout me down. Just think why. Did you spare a moment for them, people who have been living away from their homes for no fault of theirs? So who is the hate mongerer? Isn’t lying about what caused their exodus criminal? This is what Barkha Dutt did.

Barkha Dutt knows how to use the Twitter well. Just call a few names – mobsters, freaks, and drown out the real argument. She does this because she is part of the media, has wide reach. We don’t. We can be shouted down and out easily. Barkha Dutt call names and we get called mosters. Wow!!

My twitter update limit has crossed for today, so can’t reply to all of you. But will try to send you the message.

To Barkha Dutt : Passion for truth and justice drives us. We are not paid to do this unlike you. It is not our job, but our duty.

To all the educated people: Say NO to #PAIDNEWS and TRP driven journos.

Some sources where you can verify the facts from and judge on your own:
Book: My Frozen turbulances in Kashmir by the then Governor of Kashmir: Jagmohan
Blog of a person on Twitter who is a Kashmiri Pandit: @soulinexile
Videos on Kashmiri Pandits : Made by a kashmiri Pandit

To forget would be to forgive

Tweets from Kashmiri Pandits in Exile

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  1. Good one sir. The basic issue with ppl like Barkha Dutt is that they dont undersatnd a basic principle that 'their job is to report news and not to create news'.

  2. Frankly I went and tried to go through the earlier post. But I had to give up since it really wasn't readable enough. Formating, and words thrown everywhere put me off.... looked like a SPAM really... no matter how true or good the content is in that case if it is not even read...

    The language and form of the content will determine what perception people form about you. Please address that as well. and you know what no one likes SPAM!!! So do not look like one and you will see people will hear you as well.

  3. It has always been the case. You question Barkha Dutt, and you are a freak. It is so frustrating, so ironical, that the victims of Kashmiri Terrorism are called hate mongerers while the terrorists themselves are invited to give lectures on peace!

    Anybody who talks about Muslims, and even more for supporting terrorists, is a secular. And, anyone who talks about rights of Hindus is communal, freak, and what not!

  4. When uneducated people express bias they can be forgiven.What is tragic about Ms BoreKha Butt(does the name sound familiar)is that despite being qualified she has opted to put a price tag to her biased writings and mobilizing peoples opinions. Must be well indoctrinated in the subject from her Alma Mater in Jamia Milia University,IMHO


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